About Us

About Us and Building Options

About Us

We provide Handyman Services for Nassau and Suffolk Counties,  Handyman services for the 5 boroughs of New York City, in fact Handyman services for all NY State.

I’ve been doing woodworking /construction since 1970.  I started out building custom kitchen cabinets at a shop in Baldwin. I learned from an  old German craftsman, making furniture also the art of staining and finishing spraying.

After six years of apprenticeship, I opened my own shop doing custom interior trim crown molding, custom door, trim, window, trim, high end interior finish work. 

I merged with my brother on home construction with his guys. When they would build or do framing work and be off a half inch off on framing, I’d freak out. To me 1/8 inch off is like a mile off!  In working with his crew I was able to tune them up reorganize.  We built 11 homes from ground up also nine modular units. We did anything and everything that you could want or wish for.

Around 1990ish I got bored, and went from land to sea. I had an opportunity to take a ferry boat and turn it into a classy, upscale yacht . For this two year project I had a team of  nine guys plus working side-by-side with Captain Nick the owner of the yacht. We put on over 16,000 feet of Honduras mahogany into the renovation.

Just remember, on land construction you’re constantly using a level when working on a boat or sea projects throw that level out, you need a lot of reference points to get things equal and balance.

I thank Captain Nick for believing in me with my years of knowledge, giving me this experience to use my craftsmanship which I enjoyed tremendously.

Trust me Captain Nick, and I bumped heads occasionally and at one point I was going to commit mutiny with my crew, like pirates. But after a few shots of Ouzo, NOT RUM ( Captain Nick, and I are Greek) we got it done  The name of the beautiful yacht is “Eastern Star Cruises “

If you can think or dream it, we can do it.

So what am I up to now?  I have taught many people the art of how to build Land or Sea projects. It’s not hard. I can work with you on your projects so you can learn to do more projects on your own. But the best part you’ll be saving thousands of dollars doing it yourself once you understand the basics. It’s not hard, as you know it’s mostly  visual, with common sense. When it doesn’t look right, it’s not right. 

Home owners know that over time things need to get done: fixing things, changing things remodeling, etc. We excel at indoor work. Outside we can do decks patios, sheds dollhouses anything you wish for..

Building Options

Here’s your options: we can work together side by side or let me do the job.  For me there’s nothing more satisfying than designing, drawing then  bringing to life what we planned and drew!. It’s fulfilling and very rewarding.

I’ve been blessed with this gift., that God gave me and I would like to share it with as many people as possible.

Like the expression goes in Brooklyn Fuhgeddaboudit